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Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
QP +crown & cogwheel 9, 41, 42
R +cogwheel & plant 7
R RONAK +cogwheel & tower 7
cogwheel 6
R.S. PRATIBHA +cogwheel 3
RADIANT +cogwheel 6
RAGU RAMA appalam +cogwheel 30
RAI AGRO +cogwheel & plant 30
RAIDCO +cogwheel & hands 7
RAJ TRON +star & cogwheel 7
RAJ gears +cogwheel 7
RAJDHANI +drop & cogwheel 29
RAJHANS +bird & cogwheel 29, 30, 32
RAJINDRA india +cogwheel 7
cogwheel 29
RAMAS GEORGES +cogwheel 24
RAMONES +spiral & cogwheel 25
RAN +map & cogwheel 6
RANAENGG +cogwheel 7
RANGVEDA +cogwheel & arcs 2
cogwheel 29
RANJEET +cogwheel 7
cogwheel 35
RANSAK ORGA +cogwheel plant 1
RAPCO +cogwheel & triangle 7
RAPID +cogwheel 7
RAVIRAJ +cogwheel & face 7
RAYMED +cogwheel 5
RAYMOL +cogwheel 12
RC +cogwheel 7
RC TECHNO SENSE +cogwheel 41
RCCI +cogwheel & scales 16
RDX +circle & cogwheel 25
REAP +men flag & cogwheel 36
REC +cogwheel 7
RECO +sun & cogwheel 6
RECTOR +cogwheel 7
RED BRICK CAFE +cogwheel 42
REE-ACTO +cogwheel 7, 12
REFLEX +cogwheel 14
REPCO +cogwheel & drop 4
RESCO +cogwheel & square 7, 17
RESTORE +stars & cogwheel 41
RETRO +cogwheel 4
REW +cogwheel & circle 7
REW CHILLEX +cogwheel 7
REX +cogwheel & squares 7
RF +cogwheel 12
RG +cogwheel 3
RG RADHAGOLD +cogwheel 20
RG RATTAN GEARS +cogwheel 7, 35
cogwheel 12
RI RABATEX GROUP +cogwheel 7
RI RECON brand +cogwheel 7
RI rapport +cogwheel & star 3
RICO +cogwheel & elephant 7
RIDHAM +cogwheel 7
RIDUTTORI 10 +cogwheel 7
cogwheel 41
RING AQUA +cogwheel 7
RINGSPANN +cogwheel 6, 7
RISEON +cogwheel 11
RITE +cogwheel & tick 35
RITI +cogwheel 41
RJM +cogwheel & arc 37
RK +cogwheel & square 9
RK +man & cogwheel 12
RKC +cogwheel 19
RMT +cogwheel 7
RMT ACCURATE +cogwheel 7
RMT gears +cogwheel 12
RNNYC +cogwheel & ribbon 41
ROBOTEK +cogwheel & square 9
ROCKPEARL +cogwheel 35
ROCKWELL +cogwheel 11, 35
ROGHINI +cogwheel 7
RONIX +trees & cogwheel 7
cogwheel 37
ROSE +cogwheel 7
cogwheel 35
ROSSI +cogwheel & square 7, 12
ROUSSEL +cogwheel 35
ROYAL +cogwheel & factory 9
ROYTEK +diamond & cogwheel 7
RR RAINA +cogwheel 7
RR SUDARSHAN +cogwheel 3
RRI R.R.I. brand +cogwheel 17
cogwheel 25
RSB INDIA +cogwheel triangl 12
RSI +cogwheel 7, 14
RT ROYSON +cogwheel 25
RTC +oval & cogwheel 6
RTNY +cogwheel wreath ribbo 41
RUBY +cogwheel 7
RUCHI +cogwheel & $ 7
RUDRANJALI +cogwheel & drop 5
RUSTAM-E-PUNJAB +cogwheel 35
RV RIDEVEL GEARS +cogwheel 12
RYAN CONNECT +cogwheel 42
RYDER +cogwheel 12
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